Matches 1 to 50 of 960
# | Notes | Linked to |
1 | HENRY HOWLAND ORIGIN: Fenstanton, Huntingdonshire MIGRATION: 1632 FIRST RESIDENCE: Plymouth REMOVES: Duxbury 1636 FREEMAN: In the "1633" list of Plymouth freemen Henry Howland appears immediately before those admitted on 1 January 1632/3 [ PCR 1:4]. In the 6 March 1636/7 list of Plymouth Colony freemen [ PCR 1:52]. In the Duxbury section of the 1639 and 1658 lists of Plymouth freemen (with his name erased from the 1658 list) [ PCR 8:174, 198]. (See COMMENTS for disenfranchisement in 1659.) EDUCATION: He signed his will. His inventory included "books" valued at 10s. OFFICES: Grand jury, 7 June 1645, 4 June 1650, 2 October 1650, 7 June 1653, 3 June 1657 (refused to serve) [ PCR 2:84, 155, 162-63, 3:32, 115]. Petit jury, 7 March 1636, 2 October 1637, 2 January 1637/8, 4 June 1639, 3 September 1639, 7 July 1646, 6-7 June 1649, 29 October 1649, 10 June 1650, 7 October 1651, 4 June 1652, 5 March 1655/6, 5 October 1656 [ PCR 2:140, 160, 7:5, 7, 12, 13, 42, 46, 56, 60, 77, 81]. Duxbury highway surveyor, 3 June 1656, 3 June 1668 [ PCR 3:100, 4:181]. ESTATE: In the Plymouth tax list of 25 March 1633 assessed 9s., and in the list of 27 March 1634 18s. [ PCR 1:11, 28]. On 27 July 1640 William Renolds acknowledged the sale to Henry Howland of Duxbury of five acres of upland in Duxbury and one acre of marsh meadow lying at the east end thereof, with all rights [ PCR 12:60-61]. On 6 June 1650 Henry Howland granted to Experience Mitchell and his heirs access to a spring on the border of his property [ MD 1:97-98, citing PCLR 2:1:9]. In his will, dated 28 November 1670 and proved 8 March 1670/1, Henry Howland bequeathed "all my housing both dwelling house and barn, with all my lands both upland and meadow ... within the township of Duxburrow ... unto my son Joseph Howland only during my wife's life she shall have and enjoy the new room to herself for her own use"; to "my son Joseph Howland four oxen and two heifers and one horse with all the tackling ... also a bed with things belonging thereunto, as also my fowling piece"; "my son Joseph Howland out of the forementioned houses and lands and cattle shall pay or cause to be paid unto my son Zoeth Howland £20 ... as also 12d. apiece to all his brothers and sisters and their children now surviving"; to "my daughter Sarah two heifers and two steers and one mare now running at Ponaganset, as also one bed and bedding thereunto belonging"; to "my son John one musket"; to "my daughter Elizabeth one cow"; "my old mare now running at Ponagansett unto my son Samuell Howland"; to "my son Joseph Howland two acres of meadowland ... at ... Gurnett's Nose marsh"; to "my daughter Mary 10s."; to "my daughter Abigaill 10s. to be paid by my son Joseph who is to sell a barrel of cider and to pay it out of that"; to "my two sons John and Samuell each of them a barrel of cider"; to "my loving wife Mary Howland" residue [ MD 19:32-33, citing PCPR 3:1:26]. The inventory of Henry Howland of Duxbury was taken 14 January 1670/1 and totalled £141 4s., with no real estate included [ MD 19:33, citing PCPR 3:1:27]. In her will, dated 8 May 1674 and proved first 26 April 1674 and second 8 April 1675, Mary Howland "sometimes the wife of Hennery Howland now deceased" bequeathed to "my daughter Abigaill Young" £1; to "my son Zoeth Howland" £1; to "my son John Howland my house at Ponagansett"; to "my daughter Mary Cudworth" £1; to "my son Samuel Howland" £1; to "my daughter Sarah Denis" £1; to "my daughter Elizabeth Allin" £1; and to "my son Joseph Howland" the residue [ PCPR 3:2:10]. BIRTH: Probably Fenstanton, Huntingdonshire, by about 1603 (based on estimated date of marriage), son of Henry Howland [ TAG 14:214-15]. DEATH: Duxbury 1 January 1670/1 [ NGSQ 75:113, endnote 3]. MARRIAGE: By about 1628 Mary _____ (assuming that she was the mother of all his children). "Mary Howland who had been the wife of Hennery" died at Duxbury 16 June 1674. (The claim that Mary was a Newland is unsupported [ NGSQ 75:105].) CHILDREN: i ABIGAIL, b. say 1628; m. Plymouth 13 December 1648 John Young [ PCR 8:5]. ii ZOETH, b. say 1631; m. by 1657 Abigail _____ (eldest child b. 5 October 1657 [ RIVR 7:64]). (The marriage date is published as "Dec. 1656," with the bride's surname not given [ RIVR 7:21]; this may be a marriage record created by calculation, and the original should be examined.) iii SAMUEL, b. about 1638 (described as "near 70 years old" in 8 July 1707 [ NGSQ 75:112, citing Bristol County Court of General Sessions 1702-1714:121]); m. by about 1673 Mary Sampson, daughter of Abraham Sampson (eldest child b. about 1673 [ NGSQ 75:112]) [ TAG 15:165-67]. iv JOHN, b. say 1641; m. Duxbury 29 January 1684/5 Mary Walker; d. Freetown before 8 August 1687 ([ BrPR 1:2]). (His wife was apparently dead, as administration was granted to his brother Samuel; his inventory included £3 10s. in "women's apparel".) v MARY, b. say 1643; m. by 1665 James Cudworth (eldest child b. Scituate 3 June 1665 [ NGSQ 75:110, citing records of Pembroke Monthly Meeting). vi SARAH, b. about 1645 (d. Portsmouth 2 October 1712, aged about sixty-seven years [ NGSQ 75:216]); m. Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 19 November 1672 Robert Dennis [ NGSQ 75:216]. vii ELIZABETH, b. say 1647; m. by about 1669 Jedidiah Allen (eldest child b. 30 August 1669 or 1670 [ NGSQ 75:111, citing Sandwich Monthly Meeting]). viii JOSEPH, b. say 1649 (evidently not a minor when his father wrote his will); m. Hampton 4 May 1683 Rebecca Hussey [ NGSQ 75:217, citing Salem Monthly Meeting 3:1]. ASSOCIATIONS: Brother of JOHN HOWLAND and Arthur Howland. COMMENTS: On 22 December 1657 Henry Howland, for entertaining Quaker meetings at his house, was summoned to appear at the next court [ PCR 3:126]. On 2 March 1657/8 he was fined 10s. for entertaining a meeting at his house contrary to the order of the court [ PCR 3:129]. On 7 June 1659 "Henry Howland of Duxburrow" as a Quaker "or manifest encourager of such" is on a list to lose freemanship and is ordered to appear in August to be convicted and censured [ PCR 3:167]. At court 6 October 1659 Henry Howland was disenfranchised for being an "abettor and entertainer of Quakers" [ PCR 3:176]. On 1 May 1660 he was accused of entertaining another man's wife in his house after complaint was made to him by the husband, and for permitting a Quaker meeting in his house, and for entertaining a foreign Quaker contrary to the order of the court. The first charge he "stiffly denied" but he was convicted of the other two and fined [ PCR 3:186]. He was twice fined on 2 October 1660 for entertaining Quaker meetings [ PCR 3:201]. We differ slightly from Wakefield and Sherman [ NGSQ 75:107] in the birth sequence and estimate of birth dates for the children of Henry Howland. The assumption has been made that all the sons were of age when the father made his will, but this makes some of them older than the norm when they marry. Even this arrangement leaves an apparent gap of about seven years between the first two children (Abigail and Zoeth) and the remaining six. These first two children may well have been born in England, and there is the possibility that they were by an e arlier wife and not by Mary. BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: The parentage and parish of origin of the three Howland brothers was reported in 1938 by Clarence A. Torrey [ TAG 14:214-15]. A definitive article on what is known to date about Henry Howland was published in 1987 by Robert S. Wakefield and Robert M. Sherman [ NGSQ 75:105-16, 216-225]. | HOWLAND, Henry (I07969)
2 | Source: Research provided by: Martin Koepple, Panoramastr. 31, D-73207 Plochingen, Germany Generation VIII ? death record of Catharina nee Berger (? Rastatt 31.01.1794) ?Anno Dni [Domini] Millesimo Septingentesimo nonagesimo quarto, die trigesima prima Januari? obiit Catharina nata Berger, Joannis Michaelis Kielmarx, incolae hujatis uxor legitima; a tertius sequenti in cemeteries Ecclesia hujatis proprio sepultus est.? In the year of the Lord 1794 on 31 January? died Catharina nee Berger, legitimate wife of Johann Michael Kielmarx, citizen here, and was buried at the 3rd day afterwards in the local cemetery History Whilst the city of Rastatt is first mentioned in the Middle Ages, it was not until the Baroque period that the city began to expand. Many buildings still remain from the Baroque period, a fine example of which is Rastatt Palace, the residence of Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden. It was built between 1699 and 1705, and is a series of large palaces built as a replica of the Palace of Versailles. Other fine examples are the Rathaus, the Town Hall, and the Pagodenburg, which was built upon the Nymphenburg Park Pagoda in Munich in the 18th Century. One of Rastatt's most notable residents was Carl Schurz, who participated in the revolutionary uprising in Germany in 1848-49 and famously escaped from the Rastatt Fortress through the sewers. He later emigrated to America where he went on to become US Minister for Interior. Rastatt is also a large meadowlands area - the Rastatt Rheinau Meadowlands . These are ancient wetlands now legally protected to ensure that the wildlife, some of which is rare, remains protected Some facts about our region The rural district Rastatt is in the northern part of the black forest and has a common border with France for approximately 40 kilometres. The river Rhein and his tributarie Murg impress the flat part of the rural district, the "Schwarzwaldhochstrasse" goes up into heights of 1.000 meters and enables excellent views into the neighbour regions. In the middle of the 13th century the first cities have been established and in the begin of the 18th century margrave Ludwig Wilhelm "der Türkenlouis" declared Rastatt as a baroque capital town; Bühl became a magistrate´s town at the begin of the 19th century and Gaggenau got the municipal law in 1922 when the industrialization started. These three cities still impress the rural district, they are also home of the police-stations. The industrial business consists of about more than 200 factories. The best known will be Daimler-Chrysler with factories in Rastatt and Gaggenau. A german unique is the school for people in the paper industry, at the same time a technical school with international reputation. Historic buildings like the castle in Rastatt and the castle "Favorite" are remarkable documents of history. For your pleasure you can enjoy the grapes cultivated in the region around Bühl. These grapes will be bottled every year as the famous "Affentaler" and sold around the whole world. Faster but much more expensive you can lose the contact to the ground when you take one of the daily starting aeroplanes at the "Baden-Airport" with a growing number of international destinations. The famous and traditional health resort Baden-Baden with approximately 53.000 inhabitants lies in the center of the rural district Rastatt. As a touristic highlight you will find the world famous spa and one of the most beautiful casinos in the world. Don´t forget to visit the thermal spa "Caracalla", which is build in the near of the ruins of the roman thermal springs. The hot springs established the reputation of Baden-Baden as the "Europe´s summer capitol" in the 19th century. The provincial landmark is the Merkur with a height of 668 meters, also the "house mountain" of Baden-Baden. He got his name from the discovery of a roman votive picture from the god Merkur. | KILMARX, Maria Theresia (I02279)
3 | Source: City Records - Vol 2 - pp19 Newport, RI - June 2, 1882 - Groom, Samuel Barber - Bride Sarah Smith - first marriage for both - Residence -7 Coddington Block - Occupation Samual Carriage painter - Place: Newport, RI - First Unitarian Congregation Church - on Mill Street near Spring Street Est. 1735 -Rev. M.K. Schermerhorn, pastor - Age: Samual 25 - Sarah 21 - Samuel born Morsley (spelling, may be Mawdesley), England -Sarah Lancashire, England - Parents: Groom, William Barber & Sarah A Buckley - Bride, Joseph Smith & Mary A Gill Beginning in 1878, the Rev. M. K. Schermerhorn served as the minister of this congregation for four years. During that short period of time, he inspired the congregation and the entire Unitarian Association to build a monument to honor Channing in his birthplace. This church was built by international subscription. Unitarians from across the country and in England sent contributions in support of the vision of a monument dedicated to the memory and vision of William Ellery Channing. The cornerstone bearing the words "Faith, Hope, Charity" was laid in 1880, the centennial of Channing's birth. The dates carved into the front of the church 1780-1880, pay tribute to this anniversary; 1780 being the date of Channing's birth in Newport. It is significant that this memorial bearing his name is not a cold edifice but houses a thriving Unitarian Universalist congregation. The church was constructed in little more than a year, built of pink stone from Lyme, Ct. (unlike the gray foreseen by Governor Van Zandt) and was dedicated October 19, 1881. In its new building, the Unitarian society became a forceful religious and cultural center for the Newport community. | Family: BARBER, Samuel / SMITH, Sarah S. (F00717)
4 | Source: Research provided by: Martin Koepple, Panoramastr. 31, D-73207 Plochingen, Germany Generation IX ? marriage record of Johann Adam Kühlmartz and Martina Veigel (8 Ötigheim 01.1734) ?proclamationibus de more factis publice copulati sunt honestus adolescens Hans Adam Kühlmartz, Jacobi Kühlmartz incola Rastattiani legitimus filius et virgo Martina Veigelin, Josephi Veigels, civis in Hollthurn am Bodensee legitima filia coram testibus Nicolas Kellmel et Andrea Wilpreth civibus hujatis.? After three proclamations was married in the face of the church the honest young man Hans Adam Kühlmartz, legitmate son of Jacob Kühlmartz, inhabitant of Rastatt, with Martina Veigel, legitmate daughter of Joseph Veigel in Hollthurn at the Lake Constance ; testes were Nicolas Kellmel and Andrea Wilpreth, both citizen here. | Family: KUHLMARX, Johann Adam / VEIGEL, Martina (F00140)
5 | JOHN HOWLAND ORIGIN: Fenstanton, Huntingdonshire MIGRATION: 1620 on Mayflower FIRST RESIDENCE: Plymouth FREEMAN: In the "1633" list of Plymouth freemen John Howland is near the head of the list, among the councillors [ PCR 1:3]. In the 6 March 1636/7 list of Plymouth Colony freemen [ PCR 1:52]. In the Plymouth section of the 1639, 1658 and 29 May 1670 lists of Plymouth Colony freemen [ PCR 5:274, 8:173, 197]. EDUCATION: His inventory included "1 great Bible and Annotations on the 5 Books of Moses" valued at £1 and "Mr. Tindall's Works, Mr. Wilson's Works, 7 more books" valued at £1. OFFICES: Plymouth Colony Assistant, 1 January 1632/3, 1 January 1633/4, 1 January 1634/5 [ PCR 1:5, 21, 32]. Deputy for Plymouth to General Court, 1 June 1641, 28 October 1645, 1 June 1647, 7 June 1648, 8 June 1649, 4 June 1650, 5 June 1651, 3 June 1652, 7 June 1653, 7 March 1653/4, 6 June 1654, 1 August 1654, 8 June 1655, 3 June 1656, 1 June 1658, 4 June 1661, 1 June 1663, 1 June 1666, 5 June 1667 [ PCR 2:16, 94, 117, 123, 144, 154, 167, 3:8, 31, 44, 49, 63, 79, 99, 135, 214, 4:37, 122, 148]. In charge of the fur trading post at Kennebec, 1634 [ MD 2:10-11]. Committe on the fur trade, 3 October 1659 [ PCR 3:170]. In the Plymouth section of the 1643 Plymouth Colony list of men able to bear arms (as "John Howland Sen.") [ PCR 8:187]. ESTATE: In the 1623 Plymouth division of land John Howland received four acres as a passenger on the Mayflower [ PCR 12:4]. In the 1627 Plymouth division of cattle John Howland, his wife Elizabeth Howland, John Howland Junior and Desire Howland were the first four persons in the fourth company [ PCR 12:10]. In the Plymouth tax list of 25 March 1633 John Howland was assessed 18s., and in the list of 27 March 1634 £1 4s. [ PCR 1:9, 27]. John Howland was a Purchaser [ PCR 2:177]. On 4 December 1637 "forty acres of land are granted to Mr. John Howland, lying at the Island Creeke Pond at the western end thereof, with the marsh ground that he useth to mow there" [ PCR 1:70]. On 5 November 1638 the "island called Spectacle, lying upon Green's Harbor, is granted to Mr. John Howland" [ PCR 1:102, 110, 168]. Granted six acres of meadow "at the North Meadow by Jones River" [ PCR 2:49]. In his will, dated 29 May 1672 and proved 6 March 1672/3, "John Howland Seni[o]r of the town of New Plymouth ... being now grown aged, having many infirmities of body upon me," bequeathed to "John Howland my eldest son besides what lands I have already given him, all my right and interest to that one hundred acres of land granted me by the court lying on the eastern side of Taunton River"; to "my son Jabez Howland all those my upland and meadow that I now possess at Satuckett and Paomett"; to "my son Jabez Howland all that my one piece of land that I have lying on the southside of the mill brook"; to "Isaac Howland my youngest son all those my uplands and meadows ... in the town of Middlebery and in a tract of land called the Major's Purchase near Namassakett Ponds which I have bought and purchased of William White of Marshfield"; to "my said son Isacke Howland the one half of my twelve acre lot of meadow that I now have at Winnatucsett River"; to "my dear and loving wife Elizabeth Howland the use and benefit of my now dwelling house in Rockey Nooke in the township of Plymouth ... with the outhousing lands ... uplands and meadow lands ... in the town of Plymouth ... excepting what meadow and upland I have before given to my sons Jabez and Isacke Howland during her natural life"; to "my son Joseph Howland after the decease of my loving wife Elizabeth Howland my aforesaid dwelling house at Rockey Nooke"; to "my daughter Desire Gorum 20s."; to "my daughter Hope Chipman 20s."; to "my daughter Elizabeth Dickenson 20s."; to "my daughter Lydia Browne 20s."; to "my daughter Hannah Bosworth 20s."; to "my daughter Ruth Cushman 20s."; to "my grandchild Elizabeth Howland the daughter of my son John Howland 20s."; "these legacies given to my daughters [to] be paid by my executrix"; to "my loving wife Elizabeth Howland my debts and legacies being first paid, my whole estate," she to be executrix [ MD 2:70-73, citing PCPR 3:1:49-50]. The inventory of "Mr. John Howland lately deceased" was taken 3 March 1672/3 and totalled £157 8s. 8d. [ MD 2:73-77, citing PCPR 3:1:51-54]. After the inventory, the appraisers noted that "the testator died possessed of these several parcels of land following:" "his dwelling house with the outhousing, uplands and meadow belonging thereunto lying at Rockey Nooke in the town of New Plymouth," "a parcel of mead ow at Jones River meadow," "the one half of a house and a parcel of meadow and upland belonging thereunto lying and being at Colchester in the aforesaid township," "a parcel of meadow and upland belonging thereunto lying near Jones River bridge in the town of Duxburrow," "one house and 2 shares of a tract of land and meadow that lyeth in the town of Middleberry that was purchased by Captain Thomas Southworth of and from the Indian Sachem Josias Wampatucke," and "2 shares of a tract of land called the Major's Purchase lying near Namassakett ponds" [ MD 2:77, citing PCPR 3:1:54]. (See also PCR 5:108, 110, 127.) In her will, dated 17 December 1686 and proved 10 January 1687/8, "Elizabeth Howland of Swanzey ... being seventy nine years of age" bequeathed to "my eldest son John Howland the sum of £5 ... and my book called Mr. Tindale's Works and also one pair of sheets & one pair of pillowbeers and one pair of bedblankets"; to "my son Joseph Howland my stilliards and also one pair of sheets and one pair of pillowbeers"; to "my son Jabez Howland my featherbed & bolster that is in his custody & also one rug & two blankets that belongeth to the said bed & also my great iron pot & pothooks"; to "my son Isaack Howland my book called Willson on the Romanes & one pair of sheets & one pair of pillowbeers & also my great brass kettle already in his possession"; to "my son-in-law Mr. James Browne my great Bible"; to "my daughter Lidia Browne my best featherbed & boulster two pillows & three blankets & a green rug & my small cupboard one pair of andirons & my lesser brass kettle & my small Bible & my book of Mr. Robbinson's Works called Observations Divine & Moral & also my finest pair of sheets & my holland pillowbeers"; to "my daughter Elisabeth Dickenson one pair of sheets & one pair of pillowbeers & one chest"; to "my daughter Hannah Bosworth one pair of sheets & one pair of pillowbeers"; to "my granddaughter Elizabeth Bursley one pair of sheets and one pair of pillowbeers"; to "my grandson Nathanael Howland (the son of Joseph Howland) ... my lot of land with the meadow thereto adjoining ... in the township of Duxbury near Jones River Bridge"; to "my grandson James Browne one iron bar and one iron trammell now in his possession"; to "my grandson Jabez Browne one chest"; to "my granddaughter Dorothy Browne my best chest & my warming pan"; to "my granddaughter Desire Cushman four sheep"; "my wearing clothes linen and woollen" and the residue to "my three daughters Elisabeth Dickenson, Lidia Browne and Hannah Bosworth to be equally divided amongst them"; "my loving son-in-law James Browne and my loving son Jabez Howland" executors [ MD 3:54-57, citing BrPR 1:13-14]. BIRTH: Say 1592, son of Henry and Margaret (_____) Howland of Fenstanton. DEATH: Plymouth 23 February 1672/3 "above eighty years" [ PCR 8:34]. MARRIAGE: Plymouth by about 1624 Elizabeth Tilley, baptized Henlow, Bedfordshire, 30 August 1607, daughter of JOHN TILLEY . She died at Swansea 22 December 1687, aged eighty [ SwVR 27]. CHILDREN: i DESIRE, b. say 1624; m. by 1644 John Gorham (eldest child b. Plymouth 2 April 1644 [ MD 5:72]). ii JOHN, b. Plymouth 24 April 1627; m. Plymouth 26 October 1651 Mary Lee [ PCR 8:13]. iii HOPE, b. Plymouth 30 August 1629; m. by about 1646 John Chipman. iv ELIZABETH, b. say 1631; m. (1) Plymouth 13 September 1649 Ephraim Hicks [ PCR 8:8]; m. (2) Plymouth 10 July 1651 John Dickerson [ PCR 8:13]. v LYDIA, b. say 1633; m. by about 1655 James Brown. vi HANNAH, b. say 1637; m. Swansea 6 July 1661 Jonathan Bosworth [ SwVR 23]. vii JOSEPH, b. say 1640; m. Plymouth 7 December 1664 Elizabeth Southworth [ PCR 8:25], daughter of THOMAS SOUTHWORTH . viii JABEZ, b. about 1644 (deposed on 19 July 1680 aged 36 years [ SJC #1915]); m. by 1669 Bethiah Thatcher, daughter of Anthony Thatcher (eldest child b. Plymouth 15 November 1669 [ PVR 668; NYGBR 42:154-57]). ix RUTH, b. say 1646; m. Plymouth 17 November 1664 Thomas Cushman [ PCR 8:25], son of Thomas Cushman. x ISAAC, b. Plymouth 15 November 1649; m. by 1677 Elizabeth Vaughn, daughter of George Vaughn [ TAG 23:24-26]. ASSOCIATIONS: Brother of HENRY HOWLAND and Arthur Howland. COMMENTS: In his list of passengers on the Mayflower Bradford tells us that John Howland was one of the "manservants" of JOHN CARVER [ Bradford 441]. During a particularly bad storm on the crossing John Howland (characterized by Bradford as "a lusty young man") went above deck and was swept overboard, but it pleased God that he caught hold of the topsail halyards which hung overboard and ran out at length. Yet he held his hold (though he was sundry fathoms under water) till he was hauled up by the same rope to the brim of the water, and then with a boat hook and other means got into the ship again and his life saved. And though he was something ill with it, yet he lived many years after and became a profitable member both in church & commonwealth [ Bradford 59]. In his 1651 accounting on the family of John Carver, Bradford reported that "[h]is servant John Howland married the daughter of John Tilley, Elizabeth, and they are both now living, and their eldest daughter hath four children; and their second daughter one, all living, and other of their children marriageable" [ Bradford 444]. In an undated deposition we learn that in April 1634 John Hocking came to Kennebec and challenged the rights of the Plymouth men to their exclusive trade in that place. Mr. John Howland, in charge of the trading post, went out in their bark with several other men and warned Hocking off, but was taunted and defied. Howland "bid three of his men go cut his cable [Hocking's anchor]," but the flow of the stream was too strong and Howland called them back and added Moses Talbot to the crew. Hocking, seeing that their intent was to cut the cable, "presently put his peice almost to Moyses Talbott's head, which Mr. Howland seeing called to him desiring him not to shoot his man but take himself for his mark saying his men did but that which he commanded them and therefore desired him not to hurt any of them, if any wrong was done it was himself that did it and therefore called again to him to take him for his mark saying he stood very fair, but Hocking would not hear nor look towards our bark, but presently shooteth Moyses in the head, and presently took up his pistol in his hand but the Lord stayed him from doing any further hurt by a shot from our bark himself was presently struck dead being shot near the same place in the head where he had murderously shot Moyses" [ MD 2:10-11]. BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: Because of the multitude of descendants of John Howland, through all ten of his children, the publication of the first five generations of descent from John Howland will occupy many volumes. Elizabeth Pearson White has prepared the first two volumes in this series: John Howland of the Mayflower: Volume 1, The First Five Generations, Documented Descendants Through his first child Desire Howland and her husband Captain John Gorham (Camden, Maine, 1990) and John Howland of the Mayflower: Volume 2, The First Five Generations, Documented Descendants Through his second child John Howland and his wife Mary Lee (Camden, Maine, 1993). In her first volume White argued that John Howland lived for several years in Maine, and that three of his children were born there. Robert S. Wakefield has gathered the evidence that this could not have been the case [ MD 42:15-16]. | HOWLAND, John Mayflower Passenger 1620 (I08316)
6 | (assuming that she was the mother of all of his children) Mary Howland who had been the wife of Henry. The claim that Mary was a Newland is unsupported - NEHGS Great Migration | HOWLAND, Mary () (I07970)
7 | (from on From: The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-33 JAMES PENNIMAN ORIGIN: High Laver, Essex MIGRATION: 1631 on second trip of Lyon FIRST RESIDENCE: Boston REMOVES: Braintree CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: "James and Lydia Pennyman" were admitted to Boston church as members #117 and #118, which would be late in 1631 [BChR 15]. On 16 February 1639/40 "James Pennyman and Lydia his wife" were "recommended to the Church of Christ at Mount Wollystone". FREEMAN: 6 March 1631/2. EDUCATION: On 12 August 1636 "James Pennyman" paid 5s. for the support of the schoolmaster. He signed his will. His inventory included "books" valued at 18s. OFFICES: Boston fenceviewer, 9 February 1634[/5]. Petit jury, 19 February 1635[/6]. Braintree selectman, 1640, 1645, 1651-53. Commissioner to end small causes for Braintree, 10 May 1643. On 27 January 1639[/40] James "Pennyman" and five others represented their neighbors at Mount Wollaston in an agreement with the town of Boston for 4s. an acre for every two acres of the seven acres formerly granted "to diverse, then of Boston, upon expectation they should have continued with us; and 3s. an acre for every acre that hath been, or shall be, granted to any others who are not inhabitants of Boston and ... all the said lands shall be free from any town rates or charges to Boston, and also from the country charges when the Mount shall be rated by the court ..." and liberty to accept the court's permission to become a town. ESTATE: On 21 March 1636[/7] it was agreed "that our brother James Pennyman shall have leave for this year to mow that part of the marsh on the neck near unto his garden which he hath wontedly mown". On 2 June 1637 it was agreed "that James Pennyman shall have the Hilsteade and the marsh ground under it as it shall be measured and bounded out at Charles Ryver, he allowing out of his allotment at Mount Woollystone seven acres for five". On 22 February 1640[/1] "brother Peniman" had two and a half acres on the Knight's neck at Braintree for which he was to "pay after the rate of 12s. per acre for the town stock of Boston". On 29 July 1644 land within the common fence at Braintree near the Knight's neck was sold to Sergt. Matson, James Penniman, Moses Payne, Francis Eliot for 5s. per acre to be paid to Mr. Henry Flint of Braintree for his own use "on consideration of his late great loss through the hand of God's providence by fire". He was again ordered to pay for this land to Mr. Flint at the town meeting 30 September 1644, having failed to do so in a timely manner. In his will, dated 18 December 1664 and proved 31 January 1664[/5], "James Pennyman of Braintree" bequeathed "half my uplands, half my meadows, half my orchard, half my barns & outhousing, and all my dwelling house I do give unto my beloved wife, for her support & my lesser children with her"; "the other half I give unto my son Joseph, & if he think good, to improve it all for his mother's comfort ... I think it will be best if he marry & build near my wife"; "my moveable estate I also give wholly to my wife for her support & the education of my lesser children"; "and because God hath blessed me with many children I do commit it to my wife's discretion to do good unto them all, in as near a proportion as she can & to be most helpful to them that have most need"; at her death, to "my children so as to make them as equal sharers as she can"; "my first born, James, having been educated into such a way of living as he is having already had a portion ... [to] answer his double portion"; to "my youngest son Samuel & my three youngest daughters, I give £20 apiece if it be to be had at my wife's decease, or afore if need be, & such as are married, to be made up to such a sum if it be to be had". The inventory of "James Pennyman" was taken 27 September 1664 and totalled £505 3s., including real estate valued at £370: "his part of his lease of Mr. Hoffe's Necke," £15; "dwelling house," £45; "barn & stable & old house & orchard," £70; "thirty acres of land or thereabout lying near the mill pond," £70; "fifteen acres near Knight's neck," £30; "about eighteen acres nigh Weymouth Ferry," £55; "three acres by Goodman Parmenter's," £15; and "2 parcels of salt meadow being about 8 acres lying in the neck," £70. On 23 May 1666, the General Court, in "answer to the petition of Lyddia, widow of James Pennyman, the Court, having read & perused her petition, as also the imperfect will of her late husband, with the order of the County Court of Suffolk made thereupon, see no cause to make any alteration in the premises, but leave the petitioner to act in this her trust according to the power already committed to her". On 13 October 1680, in "answer to the petition of Mrs. Margery Flynt, the Court do judge, that the payment & bond mentioned in the petition appearing to the administrators of James Pennyman's estate to satisfaction, the administrators are hereby empowered & ordered to pass deeds of sale in said Pennyman's name". In her will, dated 22 December 1673 and proved 27 July 1676, "Lidia Wight" noted that "as for that small portion of worldly goods which the Lord hath graciously given & left by the last will of my former husband James Penniman I have according to my best understanding faithfully performed his will & have truly paid unto my five daughters which are married, the full sum of twenty pounds to each of them," and bequeathed the £80 which was due to her from "my son Samuel Penniman which is the remainder of the price of the several parcels of land which I have sold to him as appears by deed" as follows: £20 to "my daughter Mary Penniman"; £10 to "my daughter Lydia Addams"; £10 to "my daughter Sarah Robinson"; £10 to "my daughter Bethiah Allen"; £10 to "my daughter Hannah Hall"; £10 to "my daughter Abigail Carie"; and £10 and a great kettle to "my daughter Mary Penniman"; "my son Samuel Penniman" to be sole executor and "my loving cousins Jacob Eliot and Theophilus Frary" to be overseers. The inventory of the estate of "the late deceased Lidiah Weight which was formerly the wife of James Penniman" totalled £109 11s., with no real estate included. BIRTH: Baptized Chipping Ongar, Essex, 29 July 1599, son of James and Annis (Wilcock) Penniman. DEATH: Braintree 26 December 1664. MARRIAGE: High Laver, Essex, 26 July 1631 Lydia Eliot, sister of JOHN ELIOT and JACOB ELIOT, and daughter of Bennet Eliot of Widford and Nazeing, Essex. (The High Laver parish register omits her maiden name.) She married (2) Medfield 7 [December?] 1665 as his second wife Thomas Wight. CHILDREN: i JAMES, bp. Boston 26 March 1633; m. Boston 10 May 1659 Mary Cross. ii LYDIA, bp. Boston 22 February 1634/5; m. by 1653 Edward Adams (eldest child b. Medfield 12 July 1653; see COMMENTS below). iii JOHN, bp. Boston 15 January 1637[/8]; m. Braintree 24 February 166[4/]5 Hannah Billings. iv JOSEPH, b. Braintree 1 August 1639, bp. Boston 29 September 1639; m. (1) Braintree 25 September 1666 Waiting Robinson; m. (2) Braintree 10 May 1693 "Sarah Stone, widow of Deacon John Stone of Watertown". v SARAH, b. Braintree 16 May 1641; m. Dorchester 19 January 1663/4 Increase Robinson. vi BETHIA, b. say 1643; m. by 1673 John Allen. vii SAMUEL, b. Braintree 14 November 1645; m. Dorchester 6 January 1673/4 Elizabeth Parmenter. viii HANNAH, b. Braintree 26 May 1648; m. (1) Taunton 4 February 1671 John Hall; m. (2) Taunton 4 June 1702 Samuel Haskins. ix ABIGAIL, b. Braintree 27 December 1651; m. Bridgewater 7 December 1670 John Cary. x MARY, b. Braintree 29 September 1653; m. Braintree 4 April 1678 Samuel Paine. ASSOCIATIONS: His wife was sister of Rev. JOHN ELIOT and Philip Eliot of Roxbury, JACOB ELIOT of Boston, Francis Eliot of Braintree, Sarah (Eliot) Curtis, wife of WILLIAM CURTIS of Roxbury, and Mary (Eliot) Payson, wife of Edward Payson of Roxbury and Dorchester. COMMENTS: He was one of those Boston men to be disarmed in the Wheelwright controversy, 20 November 1637. On about 22 November 1637 "James Paniman" affirmed "that I have never consented to have my hand set to the Petition which gave offense to the Court, neither do I allow of it but do think it was done without warrant". In 1660 "James Penneman" was one of the inhabitants of Braintree who petitioned the General Court for the establishment of a new plantation, which became the town of Mendon. The early Braintree vital records have been published in two different places, and the birth date for Samuel Penniman, son of James and Lydia, is given differently in the two locations. The vital events for several years were recorded at one time, and as a result four of the Penniman children were entered together - Hannah, Abigail, Mary and Samuel, in that order. The information on the three daughters is identical in the two published versions, but the son is said in one place to be born "14:9:45" (i.e., 14 November 1645) and in the other "(1) (9) (1655)" (i.e., 1 November 1655). The earlier date is preferred here, even though it would mean that the children were entered out of birth order. If Samuel really was born in 1655, then there would be an unexplained gap in the list of children of about five years, from about 1643 to 1648, and he would be marrying at age eighteen. Neither of these circumstances is impossible, but a birth year for Samuel of 1645 is more likely. Reference to the original would settle this matter. In 1977 Benjamin Parker Richardson Jr. entered a caveat against the identification of Edward Adams as the husband of Lydia Penniman, since the will of her father does not name her at all and the will of her mother merely calls her Lydia Adams without naming her husband, and an alternate claim that the wife of Edward Adams was a Lydia Rockwood or Rockett had been made by Abner Morse. We do know from the mother's will that Lydia did marry an Adams, and a search of Torrey's New England Marriages Prior to 1700 reveals no other Adams this early with wife Lydia. The only evidence in favor of the Rockwood identification is the choice by two of the children of Nicholas Rockwood of Edward Adams as their guardian. This could happen for other reasons than an Adams-Rockwood marriage, and so Edward Adams is retained as the husband of Lydia Penniman. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Clifford L. Stott has discovered the origin of James Penniman in Chipping Ongar, Essex, and has also provided evidence and careful arguments for the identity of the spouses of James Penniman's daughters. | PENNIMAN, James Lyon Passenger, 1631 (I00314)
8 | (Source: Thomas Sanford Genealogy; c., 1911, pp. 38-39) Ezekiel Sanford was baptized at Much Hadham, Herts, England on 20 Feb 1586-86 as the eldest son of Thomas and Mary Sanford. He married Rose Warner in Hatfield. The town, modernly called Hatfield Broad Oak, is about six miles southeast of Much Hadham, over the county line into the shire of Essex. The records of baptisms, marriages and burials in this parish have been lost, prior to 1662, depriving all of the exact date of his marriage and the baptisms of his two eldest sons, Thomas and John, born between 1607 and 1612. It is unknown what his trade or occupation was. Ezekiel & Rose had 10 Children | SANFORD, Ezekiel (I00405)
9 | ---- Important Note ---- I have decided to Merge the persons of Franz Peter Schell and Peter Charles Schell as at this point this is my best guess to where Peter Charles Schell fits into the picture. Much more work is required to make this connection complete but not connecting them would risk losing the connection in the future and by connecting them I am hoping it will help connect the family - MAS 3-13-08 Records under Peter Charles Schell No birth record for Peter Charles Schell has been found. We have all reason to believe that he was born in Joehlingen, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany and based on his (Naturalized Nov. 14, 1848 (Cert# 1-264 USCC Boston) see Media and Sources for copy) he was born Feb. 27, 1825. Records for Franz Peter Schell Birth: 27 Feb 1825 Christening: 28 Feb 1825 Mother: Margareta Schell Father: NONE Source: IGI Record Batch: C949722 Date: 1814-1851 Source No: 1052128 (see Sources) ----- US Federal Census ----- 1840 Federal Census - Not Found to Date 1850 Federal Census Option 1 - Massachusetts, Norfork, Roxbury (Aug.12)(Roll 330 pp93): Peter (25) baker lives in Roxbury with Henry Whitney (35) baker and his wife and Fredrick Rain also 25 and a baker. This is the only listing that has Peter at the right age. It also has him living with a baker that is logical since he becomes a baker later on but Catharine (Brehm) Schell his wife, Josephine, and Mary should also be with him. This leaves two options. One this is not Peter and he is somewhere else or his wife and children are somewhere else. Option 2 - 1860 Federal Census Federal Census-1870 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA Peter was listed as "no occupation" ( I suspect this entry is wrong. Peter was still a baker.( see 1880 entry) ) at age 44 yrs. old and lived with his wife Catherine age 40 years old ( age recorded wrong) " keeping house" , his children, Josephine age 21 yrs. old "shop keeper", Mary 19 yrs.old " no occupation" ," Heny" (Catherine) age 17 yrs old " no occupation" and Peter age 7 yrs. old "at home". Federal Census - 1880 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA Peter is listed as baker at 54 yrs.old. He lives with his wife Catherine age 58 yrs. old and his children, Mary age 29 yrs. old "no occupation" and his son Peter age 17 yrs. old and listed as a baker. Also living with them was Lannia Beck age 23 yrs. old " stone clerk". Peter and family was still living above store at 1222 Washington St, Boston. ( records both Peter & Catherine born in Baden, Germany ) Federal Census - 1890 - Not available - Massachusetts records were destroyed in a fire. Death - June 4, 1900 - Before the Census was taken ---- City Directories ---- 1872 - Boston, Massachusetts Peter is first listed in 1872 ( Age 47) as a baker at 1068 Washington Street. In 1875 as baker at 1226 Washington Street. His residence was 1224 Washington St. In 1886 the bakery has enlarged to 1226-1354 Washington Street with residence at 1354 Washington Street (probably over bakery). 1886-1900 - Boston, Massachusetts Son is listed with Peter in 1886 and each year until his death in 1900. Peter Jr dies in 1901 and Carl Schuler( unidentified Schuler--not a William H. issue) is listed a baker. Anna T (Burkhardt) Schell) ,widow of Peter Jr, apparently ran the bakery with Peter Sr's widow until 1910. Anna lived at 21 Homes Ave. Dorchester. List in 1895 St Trinity Church of Boston Census along with son Peter and John M Schell (father?) IGI Record lists no father for Franz Peter Schell. Town Historian believes he was an out of wedlock birth. - MAS 8-10-08 I have decided to Merge the persons of Franz Peter Schell and Peter Charles Schell as at this point this is my best guess to where Peter Charles Schell fits into the picture. Much more work is required to make this connection complete but not connecting them would risk losing the connection in the future and by connecting them I am hoping it will help connect the family - MAS 3-13-08 | SCHELL, Peter Charles Sr. (I01298)
10 | 1574 and 1576 in Millen on St Ramboutspoele Street. 1574 he bought land from Anna, daughter of Michiel van den Bosch, and in 1576 sold a life annuity to Sister Marie Eycken in the convent at Tongeren in exchange for which be pledged his house in Millen. NOTE: Andries in the oldest known Van Valkenburg, probably the first to settle in Millen. He was a tailor. He was the paternal grandfather of Lambert Van Valkenburg who emigrated to New Amsterdam. NOTE: The small village of Millen is about two miles south of Valkenburg and is now in the province on Limburg, Belguim, but this area was formerly a partof the Netherlands. (NAVVF Web Site) | VAN VALKENBURG, Urial (I03289)
11 | 1630-1653 mentioned in Millen NOTE: Dryes Lemmen Dryssenoon (Andries) on 18 Mar 1630 molested an official messenger (beadle) with a hayfork and a spade and threatened to shoot him. On 2 Jan 1631 Andries used insulting words to the Church sexton and threatened to beat him. NOTE: on 24 Mar 1653, accompanied by his sister leyn (Cathalina) and her two daughters, Maria and Griet, with his other sister Lysen (Elisabeth), appeared before the aldermen of Millen and the sisters gave Andries a quit claim to their share of the inheritance from their parents. (NAVVF Web Site) FAMILY SEARCH NOTES: Andries has two different AFN Number and both are listed in the Facts he also has two different wives in the Familysearch records. 1) Catharina Roscamps married either 1630 and 1932 and she is either born in 1609 or 1611. (My guess is that someone has a marriage report that gives her age and if she is married in 1630 she was born in 1609 and vice versa) No other infomation that I could find on Familysearch. (She is born as early as Abt 1607 and as late as 1611 in FS Records) I could not find any parents or other information about Catharina. 2) Rachel Van Valkenburch in 1628. (I have problems with this record becuase it is wasy to close to "Van Valkenburgh" and also it only appear once in the records but I have listed it here to be complete. She has no AFN issued that I could find) | VAN VALKENBURG, James (I03298)
12 | 1689, Sept. 22. Cornelis, of Jacob Schermerhoorn. Wit.: father, Cornelis Schermerhoorn. By Marretje Henderiksz. | BUREN], Pieter Martenezen [Van (I03356)
13 | 1830 in Manheim, Herkimer Co, NY 1840 in Manheim 1850 in Manheim, p356 1855-1860-1865 in Manheim BIRTH: family record; born Aug 1795 or 27 Dec 1795 MARRIAGE: Church record DEATH: Cemetery record SOURCE: The will of his Father James Van Valkenburg mentions the following children of Uriah: James, Elizabeth, Alfred, Maria and Charles A Van Valkenburg | VAN VALKENBURG, Eva (I03275)
14 | 1835 New York State Census (Index Transcription of the Census). | Source (S2)
15 | 1850 age 54 1855 age 59; born Albany Co 1860 age 64; living with Charles 1865 age 69 DEATH: Cemetery records | VAN VALKENBURG, Elsje (I03281)
16 | 1855 age 18 1860 age 24? 1870 in Manheim, Herkimer Co, NY p 305 1875 in Manheim 1900 in Little Falls ED 54 7/31 BIRTH: Bio of Charles Van Valkenburg MARRIAGE: date from Bio and Herkimer Democrat 24 Jun 1868 ***************************************************************************** C A Van Valkenburg of Manheim was born in Manhein 8 Jul 1836. He was married to Alide M Schuyler 17 Jun 1868. His father Urial, was born in Aug 1795. His mother was Catherine Driesbach, a sister of the celebrated lion tamer. Mr VV has lived on the farm he now owns 49 yrs. His father settled here in the spring of 1837. Mr VV moved from the farm 20 Oct 1886, to where he now lives. #540 East Monroe Street. Mr VV received most of his education in the district schools, except one year in the Little Falls Academy and one term at Fort Plain Seminary. Mr VV took the management of his farm at the age of 20, making butter and cheese.. Two years later he started a market garden on a very small scale in connection with cheese making and gradually increased the garden business for 25 yrs then growing 15 acres of vegetables, which he has run since, making 34 yrs in all. In 1886 he started a milk route, which he has run since in connection with gardening. ******************************************************************************* | MCCOMBS, Elizabeth (I03288)
17 | 1855 age 81; born Albany Co BIRTH: date estimated from census DEATH: Cemetery records NOTE: Her parents were married in Montgomery Co, NY | VAN VALKENBURG, Judick (I03274)
18 | 2 children | BOYLSTON, Susanna (I01602)
19 | 328 Centre Street | REISS, Joseph P. (I01301)
20 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: MOYER, Solomon H. / TIMMERMAN, Betsey (F1568)
21 | A great granddaughter of Miles Standish | CARY, Mehitable (I00154)
22 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | ELFERSY, Avi (I01724)
23 | About 1650 Henry became one of the founders of Medfield, Ma. where he was appointed lieutenant in the local military company. During the King Philip's War, Medfield was raided by the Indians on Feb.21 1675/6 , most of the town was destroyed and Lieut. Adams was massacred in his own doorway during the attack. (See notes on spouse) SOURCE: Henry Adams of Somersetshire by Bartlett | ADAMS, Bethia (I01576)
24 | Abraham and Ruth had 8 children. Abraham was the last chlid. Sources: Title: State Of Massachusetts, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Vital Records Author: City Documents, Reports to Boston City Comissioner. Publication: Records from 1630 to 1850 Note: State Of Massachusetts, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Repository: Call Number: Media: Book Page: Page 51 Text: Dorchester Book 1 | WIGHT, Ruth (I00121)
25 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | MOYER, Reta Viola (I02845)
26 | Ada Celi Visitation: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM Petykiewicz, Iocovozzi, & Burns Funeral Home 329 S. Washington St. Herkimer, NY 13350 Service: Wednesday, September 1, 2004 1:00 PM Sts. Anthony And Joseph Church Herkimer, NY 13350 VIEW/SEND CONDOLENCES Mrs. Ada Celi Herkimer - Mrs. Ada Marie Celi, 75, of 338 Dewey Ave passed away Sunday, August 29, 2004 in Little Falls Hospital. She was born in Richfield Springs on July 21, 1929, the daughter of the late Harlon and Ida Mae Crossway Van Valkenburgh and schools there. She was married to Sam Celi on November 24, 1947 in St. Anthony´s Church, Herkimer a blessed union of 56 years. Mrs. Celi was employed as a Customer Service Representative for Duofold, Mohawk for many years until her retirement in 1988. She was a Communicant of Sts. Anthony and Joseph Church. Ada is survived by her beloved husband, Sam Celi; one daughter & son in law, Sharon & Harold Gregory of Mohawk; three sons, Charles Celi of Herkimer, David Celi of Tulsa, OK and Christian Celi of Ilion; her cherished grandchildren, Jason, Jami, Kimberly, Rochelle, Tiffany, Michael, Andrew, Samantha, Patrick, Jonathon and Angela; three great Grandchildren, Thaddeus, Madison and Savahnah; one brother, Richard Van Valkenburgh of SC and several nieces, nephews and cousins. She was predeceased by one daughter, Judith Marie Celi, one grandson, Christian Celi, two brothers, Harlon Van Valkenburgh and William Van Valkenburgh and four sisters, Barbara White, Esther White, Betty Gogol and Mildred Noll Her funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 12:30 from the Petykiewicz, Iocovozzi, & Burns Funeral Home, 329 S. Washington St. Herkimer and at 1:00 in Sts. Anthony And Joseph Church where a Mass of Christian Burial will be Celebrated by the Rev. Anthony Ligato, Pastor. Interment will be in Calvary Cemetery. Calling Hours will be Tuesday from 5-8 at the Petykiewicz, Iocovozzi, & Burns Funeral Home | MOYER, Charles Menzo (I02790)
27 | ae 4 yrs., of "ox-throat distemper" per Hopkins Gen (GMF) | HOPKINS, Elizabeth (I8453)
28 | Alive 1613 n.f.r; note birth of dau Elizabeth by second wife. | HOPKINS, Elizabeth (I02387)
29 | Alma Bellemare was married twice - to a man named VIGEANT and a man named GREENE, she had two children Janet and Alton GREENE. She died at the age of 86 years old. | BELMORE, Selina Malvina (I00823)
30 | Andre BUISSON died at 77 year of age. | LAVASSEUR, Philomena (I00812)
31 | Andries was Married but no other information is known (NAVVF Web Site) | VAN VALKENBURG, Elizabeth (I03299)
32 | Ann of Caralton Rode | VINCENT, Mary (I01391)
33 | Anna Barnaby 002-20-5353 Born: 09 Feb 1906 Died: Jun 1975 Last Residence: 03033 Brookline, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States of America State Issued: New Hampshire (Before 1951) | OUELLETTE, Anna Lousie (I02896)
34 | apparently at sea on way to New England | PURCHASE, Aquila (I00024)
35 | Armstrong Family Rootsweb Listing has Hannah born in Minden, NY | CRONKHITE, Hannah (I8587)
36 | Baby Angel | |
37 | Baby Angel | |
38 | Baby Angel Thumb | KINTER, Catherine M (I04112)
39 | Baby Angel Thumb | SMITH, John G (I04118)
40 | Baby Angel Thumb | COWLES, Ruth (I03938)
41 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | CLARK, Putnam Hutchinson (I01293)
42 | Baptized by Father O'Donohoe God Parents - Tim O'Connell and Margaret O'Connell | |
43 | Based on Christening Infomation | ADAMS, Mehitable (I01575)
44 | Based on Family Reported from Bruce Van Brink he is buried there in an unmarked grave. His obituary lists him being buried there as well - MAS 4-14-17 | VAN BRINK, Henry (I8614)
45 | Based on Obituary but no specific Information is available. - MAS 16 Apr 2017 | VAN BRINK, Francis Sr (I02859)
46 | Berkshire Evening Eagle (Pittsfield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, ). | |
47 | Bio from Find-a-Grave Abraham PERKINS was born on 28 January 1608 in Hillmorton, Warwick, England. He was christened on 28 January 1608 in Hillmorton, Warwickshire, England. He died on 31 August 1683, at the age of 75, in Hampton, Rockingham, NH. Abraham Perkins married Mary Wythe in 1638 in Hillmorton,Warwickshire,England and came to the New World in 1638. He initially settled in Plymouth Colony for a brief time before removing to Hampton,Rockingham,NH. They were one of the first families to help settle the area. He and Mary were the parents of a large family of fourteen children, all born in Hampton. Caleb Perkins-Abt 1638 Mary Perkins-2 Sep 1639-29 May 1670 Abraham Perkins Jr.-2 Sep 1639-13 Jun 1677 Luke Perkins-1641-20 Mar 1708/1709 Humphrey Perkins-22 Jan 1642-1643 James Perkins-11 Apr 1644-Dec 1644 Timothy Perkins-5 Oct 1646-Bef 1657 James Perkins-5 Oct 1647-9 Dec 1731 Jonathan Perkins-26 May 1650-24 Jan 1688 David Perkins-28 Feb 1653-1 Oct 1736 Abigail Perkins-12 Apr 1655 Timothy Perkins-29 Jun 1657-29 Ja 1659 Sarah Perkins-26 Jul 1659-Aft 1683 Humphrey Perkins-17 May 1661-7 Jan 1711 Early Settlers of Hampton, Rockingham, NH Abraham Perkins was among the first settlers. He is described as being superior in point of education to the most of his contemporaries, writing a beautiful hand, and was often employed as an appraiser of estates, etc. He died in 1683. Another description: Abraham Perkins is reconized as one of the historic founders of NH in 1638 He was possessed with a good education,was an excellent penman,town marshal in 1654,selectman between 1650 and 1683. | PERKINS, Abraham the Immigrant (I8696)
48 | Biographical Summary Stephen Hopkins was from Hampshire, England. He married his first wife, Mary, and in the parish of Hursley, Hampshire; he and wife Mary had their children Elizabeth, Constance, and Giles all baptized there. It has long been claimed that the Hopkins family was from Wortley, Gloucester, but this was disproven in 1998. For more information on the true English origins of Stephen Hopkins, see the "Published Research" section at the bottom of this page. Stephen Hopkins went with the ship Sea Venture on a voyage to Jamestown, Virginia in 1609 as a minister's clerk, but the ship wrecked in the "Isle of Devils" in the Bermudas. Stranded on an island for ten months, the passengers and crew survived on turtles, birds, and wild pigs. Six months into the castaway, Stephen Hopkins and several others organized a mutiny against the current governor. The mutiny was discovered and Stephen was sentenced to death. However, he pleaded with sorrow and tears. "So penitent he was, and made so much moan, alleging the ruin of his wife and children in this his trespass, as it wrought in the hearts of all the better sorts of the company". He managed to get his sentence commuted. Eventually the castaways built a small ship and sailed themselves to Jamestown. How long Stephen remained in Jamestown is not known. However, while he was gone, his wife Mary died. She was buried in Hursley on 9 May 1613, and left behind a probate estate which mentions her children Elizabeth, Constance and Giles. Stephen was back in England by 1617, when he married Elizabeth Fisher, but apparently had every intention of bringing his family back to Virginia. Their first child, Damaris, was born about 1618. In 1620, Stephen Hopkins brought his wife, and children Constance, Giles, and Damaris on the Mayflower (child Elizabeth apparently had died). Stephen was a fairly active member of the Pilgrims shortly after arrival, perhaps a result of his being one of the few individuals who had been to Virginia previously. He was a part of all the early exploring missions, and was used almost as an "expert" on Native Americans for the first few contacts. While out exploring, Stephen recognized and identified an Indian deer trap. And when Samoset walked into Plymouth and welcomed the English, he was housed in Stephen Hopkins' house for the night. Stephen was also sent on several of the ambassadorial missions to meet with the various Indian groups in the region. Stephen was an assistant to the governor through 1636, and volunteered for the Pequot War of 1637 but was never called to serve. By the late 1630s, however, Stephen began to occasionally run afoul of the Plymouth authorities, as he apparently opened up a shop and served alcohol. In 1636 he got into a fight with John Tisdale and seriously wounded him. In 1637, he was fined for allowing drinking and shuffleboard playing on Sunday. Early the next year he was fined for allowing people to drink excessively in his house: guest William Reynolds was fined, but the others were acquitted. In 1638 he was twice fined for selling beer at twice the actual value, and in 1639 he was fined for selling a looking glass for twice what it would cost if bought in the Bay Colony. Also in 1638, Stephen Hopkins' maidservant got pregnant from Arthur Peach, who was subsequently executed for murdering an Indian. The Plymouth Court ruled he was financially responsible for her and her child for the next two years (the amount remaining on her term of service). Stephen, in contempt of court, threw Dorothy out of his household and refused to provide for her, so the court committed him to custody. John Holmes stepped in and purchased Dorothy's remaining two years of service from him: agreeing to support her and child. Stephen died in 1644, and made out a will, asking to be buried near his wife, and naming his surviving children. - Summary from Biographical Summary from | HOPKINS, Stephen Mayflower Passenger 1620 (I01429)
49 | BIRTH & BAPTISM: Archive record (NAVVF Web Site) MARRIAGE: Johannes Van Valkenburg to Antie Van Sardam, widow of Isaac Spoor, Church record (NAVVF Web Site) | MINUIT, Lysbeth Pieterse (I03336)
50 | BIRTH & BAPTISM: Catalyne Scherp d/o Laurens Scherp and Helletie; Church record | UPHAM, John (I03270)